Archive for August 2023
The X-ray department gets a MAJOR facelift.
The past months have brought many changes to the hospital as each department has undergone updates to bring them up to government health standards. One of these departments that has had mandates met is the X-ray department. There have been many changes over the years, going from the “wet-read” process where freshly developed, wet X-rays…
Read MoreNursing Graduation- A CELEBRATION for everyone!!!!
In December 2022, the nursing school in Sula, founded by our wonderful head of nursing at the hospital, Lic. Ana Garcia, R.N., graduated a new class of nurses. Lic. Ana tells the story in her own words. It’s well worth the read, even though it is longer than a typical blog!!!! “The second promotion graduated…
Read MoreJuly 2023 Mountain Ministry Dental Team
We have just returned from our latest dental mission in Honduras. Although this mission was quite challenging, and we had to make some adjustments, we were successful in helping many patients in the clinic and saw around 300 children in the schools where they received dental hygiene instruction and had fluoride applied, as well as…
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