- Dr. Banegas
- Hospital nursing staff
The medical staff at the category II Hospital is strong and committed. With 3 medical doctors and 18 nurses, there is 24/7 coverage. We are blessed to have a wonderful nursing staff that covers all areas of patient care. The staff turnover is low as the Hospital offers stable employment in the community, as well as continuing education and benefits.
The Hospital is fortunate to have 3 outstanding Honduran physicians who staff the Hospital 24/7. Dr. Banegas is the medical director who works closely with the other physicians, all of whom manage the ER and Hospital patient care.
Other Honduran physicians come to the Hospital to make use of the excellent and well-supplied surgical facilities.
In addition, the medical and nursing staffs work diligently and tirelessly when the American teams are at the hospital. They garner our deepest respect medically and personally. The American team members delight in renewing friendships with these committed servants each year.
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