School of Nursing Graduation 2021

2021 brought another milestone for the School of Nursing in Sula which is run by the Hospital’s Head of Nursing, Dona Ana Yaneth Garcia Hernandez.

Dona Ana tells the story of the school:

“The school of nursing was born in 2017 offering the course of nursing assistants. We currently have 4 promotions: in 2018 the MARY KINSEY promotion, in 2019 the SANDY MORISETTE promotion, in 2020 the REYNA DEL CARMEN SANTOS promotion, and in 2021 the HERBERT PEAVY KINSEY promotion.

Currently, the number of graduates is 28 nursing assistants, who by the grace of God, are the professionals who support the clinics of the Macuelizo sector. In our hospital, 6 of the graduates have worked. We have enrolled 20 students of which 10 will graduate in June 2022.”

(“Promotions” are dedications of the graduation to people who have played a role in supporting the work of the Hospital in a special way.)

The work of teaching and providing continuing education to the nurses and nursing assistants of Hospital Socorro de lo Alto has had a substantial impact on the care of the patients.

What a blessing to have this school associated with our hospital.